°, Graad
a, Are
ac, Acre
at, Technische atmosfeer
atm, Standard atmosfeer
bar, Bar
Btu, British Thermal Unit
C°, Graad Celsius
cal, Calorieën
cfm, Kubiek voet per minuut (cubic feet per minute)
cl, Centiliter
cm, Centimeter
cP, Centipoises
cSt, Centistokes
cm, Centimeter
Fº, Graad Farenheit
ft, Voet
g, Gram
gal, Gallon
gpm, Gallon per minuut
h, Uur
ha, Hectare
HP, Horse Power
in, Inches
J, Joule
Kº, Graad Kelvin
kcal, Kilocalorieën
kg, Kilogram
kJ, Kilojoule
km, Kilometer
kp, Kilopond
kPa, Kilopascals
kW, Kilowatt
l, Liter
lb, Pond (pound)
lbf, pounds force
m, meter
mbar, Milibares
min, Minutos
mm, Millimeter
mmH2O, Millimeter waterkolom
mmHg, Millimeter columna de mercurio
mmwk, Millimeter waterkolom
mph, Mijl per uur
mwk, Meter waterkolom
N, Newtons
nmi, Zeemijl
oz (AV), Ons (Avoirdupois)
oz (Troy), Ons (Troy)
P, Poises
Pa, Pascals
PSI, pounds per square inch
quad BTU, quadrillions BTU
Rº, Graad Rankine
rad, Radiaal
rpm, Revolutions per minuut
s, Seconden
St, Stokes
t, Ton
tce, Tonne of coal equivalent
toe, Tonne of oil equivalent
tpm, Toeren per minuut
th, Therm
W, Watt
Yd, Yards